co current flow heat exchanger :- Heat exchanger is use to exchange the heat or transfer the heat from one side fluid to another side fluid. There are different types of heat exchanger available like shell and tube type heat exchanger, coil and tube heat exchanger, air cooled heat exchanger, plate type heat transfer equipment and much more.

is co current flow heat exchanger and parallel flow heat exchanger are same ?
Yes , both co current type of heat transfer equipment and parallel flow heat exchanger are same, only name is different. In both case fluids enters at same end leave at same end of a heat exchanger.

Read our article on co current and counter current flow heat exchanger.
co current flow heat exchanger
As we study in our last articles on heat exchanger ( which mainly study about co current and counter current heat exchanger), in this article we study about what is co current heat exchanger or parallel flow heat exchanger, how to calculate LMTD of parallel flow type equipment, also the main advantages and disadvantages of parallel flow heat exchanger.
There are two types of heat exchanger on the basis of fluid flow. Co current flow type of heat exchanger and counter current flow type of heat exchanger.
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Co current flow heat exchanger