What is venturimeter


The Venturimeter, invented by Giovanni Battista Venturi, is a device used to measure fluid flow rates in pipes

Venturimeter Operation

It operates based on the principle of fluid dynamics, utilizing the relationship between fluid velocity and pressure.

Venturimeter Construction

The Venturimeter consists of a tapered tube with a narrow throat section that causes an increase in fluid velocity and a decrease in pressure.

Flow rate calculation

Flow rate is calculated by measuring the pressure difference between the narrow throat and the inlet section.

Types of venturimeter

classical venturimeter,  short-tube venturimeter,  long-tube Venturimeter

No Moving Part

Venturimeters have no moving parts, resulting in minimal pressure loss and low maintenance requirements.


Venturimeters are known for their accuracy and reliability in flow rate measurement and control.


Ongoing research and advancements are continually improving Venturimeter technology, expanding their potential in modern engineering projects

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