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Basket centrifuge working principle & Applications
Basket centrifuge commonly or widely use centrifuge in chemical & pharmaceutical industry. There are different types of centrifuge used in chemical industry.
Basket centrifuge
In this article I would like to study on basket centrifuge how it is so important why .we also focus of the advantage and disadvantage how to it beneficial in our separation process general chemical
engineering.I would also focus on the designing part of basket centrifuge.

Principle of basket centrifuge-
Basket centrifuge principle is the based on centrifugation force.the force of gravity and centrifugal force balance to each other and heavy particles whose density high
go settle dawn shortly .and in this small particles one more process is also used
which known sarimantation .in this article basket centrifuge is main concern so it is
highly expensive and controlling is also difficult.basket centrifuge mainly used to
separate liquid -solid solution.
In the above paragraph I have already told you about principle of basket I will
tell you advantage and disadvantage of basket centrifuge.
Advantages of basket centrifuge
Very fin particles can we separate by by basket centrifuge.Handling is so easy it is not so difficult to orating the product of the basket centrifuge is not total dry some equilibrium moisture present at finally.initially the capitalised cost is high but after long duration no maintenance are is highly efficient and solid particles which is not separate easily they can possible by using basket centrifuge.
Disadvantage of basket centrifuge
It is make unavoidable sound which is not a good sign for long time.

It is increasing the vibration effect .
Initial capital cost is very high not considerable.basket centrifuge are mainly use in
ion exchange industry or some time in refinery also.
Working design- in this subheadings I will tel you how the design is effective for separation
process .in the availability of this centrifuge the construction are easy and the component
which use to design basket centrifuge is easily available in the Indian market.and cost of
maintenance is cheaper comparative other centrifuge . Industrial purpose they are widely use
due to easy designing and accuracy and efficiency is also good .in this centrifuge the inner
part is basically basket type cylindrical vessel use so high denser material collect to the near
of the vessel due to high gravitational force and small particles whose density is smaller to
large particle go settle down slowly due to the sedimentation process according our shape
and size .some extra energy consumption is also the because some energy lost by to make
noise and vibration.sedimentation is the process where we can develop the relationship
between the size shape and velocity in the particle who goes settle dawn.rate of settling how
to vary with velocity shape and size.the agitator type vertical horizontal cylindrical rode is
used in the middle of this centrifuge who provide the proper angular velocity.this angular
velocity is the responsible for the centrifugal force .without centrifugal force this centrifuge is
In this article we have discussed about basket centrifuge basically it is the main
type of vertical type centrifuge .we can conclude that it is easy to operating and so many
applications of this centrifuge specially in our chemical industry.liquid -solid particle which we
want to separate in this separation the solid particle are highly miscible in the liquid .main
advantages of the centrifuge is the we can easily separate high miscible fluid particle from the
solution .due to mere effectiveness it is good of our separation process.basket centrifuge
have high demand in pharmaceutical industry because the batch operation is the main concern due
to designing .the Bach operation can be suitable of your pharmaceutical industry. Basically
medicines main production of forma industry.the chemical composition is the most crucial
.for maintaining chemical composition batch operation is crucial.
Hope you enjoy the article ” Basket centrifuge working principle & Applications “.
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types of Industrial centrifuge