All About Engineering In Hindi You Tube chanel

All About Engineering In Hindi You Tube chanel

All About Engineering In Hindi You Tube Chanel All About Engineering In Hindi You Tube Chanel :- Pump & piping, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and all about industrial engineering. In the vast sea of online content, there emerges a beacon of knowledge for engineering enthusiasts, and it goes by the name “Engineering In Hindi.” This … Read more

blowdown in cooling tower :- Why & How ?

blowdown in cooling tower

Blowdown in Cooling Tower Blowdown in a cooling tower is a critical process that involves the controlled removal of a portion of the tower’s circulating water to maintain its efficiency and prevent the accumulation of impurities. As water circulates through the cooling tower, it absorbs heat from industrial processes or HVAC systems, ultimately cooling it. … Read more

boiler blowdown procedure Step by Step

steam boiler blowdown procedure

Boiler Blowdown Procedure A comprehensive boiler blowdown procedure involves multiple steps, dos and don’ts, and a checklist to ensure safe and efficient operation. Here’s a detailed guide: Steam Boiler Blowdown Procedure Step 1: Determine the Blowdown Rate Step 2: Prepare for Blowdown Step 3: Intermittent Blowdown Step 4: Continuous Blowdown Step 5: Monitor Parameters Step … Read more

3.3 Types of air compressor

air compressor types

Air compressor is commonly used in all types of industry, like chemical industry, oil and gas industry. A air compressor is common utility used in chemical industry. The main purpose of an air compressor is to give the air or provide compressed air for any other kind of operation. In this article we study about … Read more