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Effluent treatment plant process flow diagram-Effluent treatment block is that part of industry which never take part in production but help to treat the affluent . The main role of ETP is purify the effluent which is come from production plant .
Effluent is that part of production which is not a product , which is west , which need to purify and rivers back or send to Common ETP. In this article we try to cover what is an affluent treatment plant ?, its role ,process and design.
What is meaning of ETP ?
in simple word it is effluent treatment plant , which teat the effluent to save the environment from hazardous chemical .
As we know that are four main basic types of pollutions , water pollution , noise pollution ,soil pollution and air pollution . So out of this four types ETP is necessary to avoid the water pollution which indirectly help to save soil pollution as well as air pollution .
Effluent treatment plant process

However the process is depends upon what is input quality and what ia required output quality but a basic and common ETP consist following ,
- Screener
- Input Storage Tank
- Oil trap
- Steam evaporation Tank
- Chemical Treatment Tank
- Sedimentation tank
- Press Filter
- Anaerobic treatment tank
- Aerobic treatment Tank
- Sand Filtration
- Carbon treatment or Filtration
Also we can cover effluent treatment plant process flow diagram.
Screening is necessary to trap the big objects like paper , woods parts , clothes , Cary bags and metals parts too. Screening is first operation which is used in Effluent treatment plant . We need select a proper MOC of screening as per effluent pH value or crossvines .
Input Storage Tank
In screening we remove the big objects and then effluent go to the main input Storage tank .If some quantity of effluent is acidic or some quantity is basic so input storage tank can play role of neutralization also .
Oil trap
As per her name the main role of oil trap is trap and remove the oil which is come along with effluent water . As we know that oil and water are immiscible so oil is always float on surface of water ( because oil density is low as compare to water ) so we can easily remove the oil from water using a simple oil trap . Oil trap is trap which trap the oil and give us oil free water. If you want ,you can use oil screener to remove the oil.
Steam evaporation Tank
A steam evaporation tank is tank which use has arrangement of low pressure steam to evaporate the low boiling components like , methanol , MDC and much more .In this tank steam get direct contact with effluent water . We can provide air too to get better mixing or we can give stirring to thank. This tank is open to atmosphere .
Chemical Treatment Tank
Chemical treatment tank is a tank which use to give chemical treatment to effluent . In this tank we can add Sulphuric acid or NaoH solution to neutral the water . In this tank we can add necessary chemicals to decrease the biologicals oxygen demand (BOD) as well chemical oxygen demand (COD). This is the main tank which decrease the COD and BOD. However this treatment is responsible for COD only but it can reduce BOD too.
Sedimentation Tank
Sedimentation tank is use to for sedimentation . Sedimentation is nothing but a process of settling the sediments . After chemical treatment effluent will go to the sedimentation tank . sediments from sedimentation tank will go to the Filter Press . And remaining liquid will go to the anaerobic treatment tank.
Anaerobic treatment tank
Anaerobic treatment tank is that tank where we can give treatment using bacteria or biologicals microorganism. This tank is responsible to decrease in BOD . In This tank we developed the bacterial to absorb to decrease the COD. After chemical treatment we can feed the effluent to this tank . And ovrflow of this tank will go to the aerobic treatment tank where air can use to decrease the COD and BOD.
Aerobic treatment tank
Aerobic treatment tank use air to decrease the COD and BOD of effluent water. We need to arrange the compressor to give air or we can spray the effluent in atmosphere.
Sand and Carbon filtration
After all treatment effluent finally go to the treatment of sand and carbon filtration . And in this way we can treated water .
Effluent treatment plant process flow diagram
Effluent treatment plant process flow diagram is necessary to understand the process of effluent treatment . Hope from following diagram you will get idea about effluent treatment plant process flow diagram.

Application of Effluent treatment plant
The main applications of Effluent treatment plant are as follows ,
- save the environment
- Treat the west water
- avoid the soil pollution
This article clear that the role of Effluent treatment plant in chemical industry also give the importation about what is the Effluent treatment plant process. Effluent treatment plant process flow diagram give idea about overall process of effluent treatment.
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This is a full idea on how to treat effluent in an industry, Thanks for this