Reactor Design |Chemical reactor

Chemical Reactor :-

A reactor is nothing but a vessel in which reaction is take place .
Reactor Design -Type ,Overall heat transfer coefficient ,area calculation
Reactor Design

Types Of Reactor

Reactor can classified as
1) Batch Reactor
2) Plug flow reactor
4) Semi Batch type reactor
In This article we will study about reactor design ,heat transfer coefficient calculation ,area calculation and time required to heat the solution or liquid .

Reactor Design

You can use asme section viii for design of reactor .
For a chemical engineer it is necessary to design of a reactor. Following things are necessary for a chemical engineer.
This Article includes the following


Heat transfer area ,


Heat transfer coefficient (overall and individual ) ,


Time required to raising the temperature.

Method (Steps) is as follows,

Read article on types of pumps


Calculate internal (Vessel) side heat transfer area

Area of vessel (internal area) ,

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Ai =∏ x Di x H


Ai= Area of vessel (internal area)

Di= diameter of vessel

H = Height of vessel (tan height or limpet height)


Calculate vessel side heat transfer coefficient

hi= Internal heat transfer coefficient


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Di= diameter of vessel

Re = Reynolds Number

Pr = Prandtl Number ,

We can calculate Re number using,

Re = d2 x N x

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d = diameter of agitator

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= Density of

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= Kinematic viscosity

We can calculate Re number using,

Pr =

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Cp= heat capacity

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= Thermal conductivity

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= Kinematic viscosity,


Calculate the coil side heat transfer coefficient

We Need to consider fluid velocity in between 1.5 to 2.1 m/s , V=1.5 to 2.1 m/s,

Calculate flow rate of utility or coil side in Kg/hr ,

Q = v A

Q = heat in Kcal/hr

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= velocity

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= area of coil site,

Convert above q value in kg/hr flow rate ,

In this way, we will get flow rate of coil side (utility side) in kg/hr

Now we need to calculate the coil side heat transfer coefficient ,

de ho = 0.027 x (Re)0.8 (Pr) 0.33 [1 + 3.5(de/dc)]


Calculate overall heat transfer coefficient


Calculate time required to raise the temperature

ln(T – t1/T – t2) = (WcCpc/WvCpv)((K – 1)/ K)

K=time= (WcCpc/WvCpv)((K – 1)/ ln(T – t1/T – t2)

In this way you can calculate the time required to rasie the temperature.

This is very simple method in next article I will come with a suitable example.

pressure vessel fabrication drawing , heat transfer coefficient air ,Reactor,reactor design procedure,heat transfer coefficient,
vessel design , overall heat transfer Coefficient ,R

eactor design equations ,reactor design slideshare ,reactor design software , reactor design procedure

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