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what is solute and solvent

Which are the largely used solvent in chemical industry ?
“what is solute and solvent ? “Today we covered which are the largely used solvent in chemical industry. But before that we need to update some knowledge about solvent .Like what is solvent , what is solute ? . what are the application of solvent , how to select solvent as per process requirement. Solvent is nothing but a liquid which allows solute to dissolve in it . However limit of solute dissolution in solvent is depends on many factors, like solubility of solute in that particular solvent.
When we mix the solute in to solvent then we get a solution.
Solvent is a liquid which is used in chemical industry to dissolve the solid or solute . Mostly solvent is a liquid but in some cases it may be a gas or solid too. Solvent is a Latin word .
Is property of solute and solvent is get changed ? When we make a solution of them .
When we mix the solute and solvent and get a solution , property of mixture is different than solute and solvent. Suppose we mix the methanol in water then we get a methanol water solution which has different properties than methanol and water. As we know that methanol boiling point is 63 degC and water boiling point is 100 degC at atmosphere. But solution of methanol and water will get the boiling point in between 63 to 100 degC (may be 84 Deg C) . Same way some other properties like density and viscosity also change. Water have density 1 kg/m3 and methanol density is 0.79 kg/m3 at atmospheric pressure. But when we mix the methanol and water resulting solution will get density in between 0.79 to 1 depending upon ratio of methanol and water in that solution(what is solute and solvent). Same thing is applicable for viscosity change for a solution of methanol and water.
Solute is substance which may be solid , liquid or gas which dissolve in solvent (what is solute and solvent) .
What is solution? how can we make a solution ?. When we add solute in a solvent then we will get a solution of solute and solvent . In a solvent we can add multiple solute as per solubility of solute in that particular solvent. If we add methanol in water then we will get a solution of methanol water . In this solution if methanol is less in quantity then we can call methanol as a solute and water as solvent. If we add sugar in water then we will get a solution of sugar and water. In this solution sugar is solute and solvent is water .
Factors affecting the solubility
what is solute and solvent ?As we know that every solute has a particular solubility limits to dissolve in solvent at a fix temperature. are some main factors which affects the solubility of solute in solvent. For example sodium hydroxide has solubility limit of 110 gm per 100 ml of water. If we can add more than 110 gm of sodium hydroxide in 100 ml water then it not possible at that particular temperature. The main factor which affects the solubility of solute in a solvent is temperature. Depends upon solute in some cases solubility of that solute is get increases with respect to temperature or for some solute get decrease with respect to temperature. There are some other factors also which affects the solute solubility in a particular solvent.
Types of Solvent
Types of Solvent based on Polarity.

The main and basic types of solvents based on Polarity are as follows(what is solute and solvent).
- Polar solvents
- Non Polar solvents
Polar Solvents
Polar solvents are those solvent who contains bond in between atoms which has different electronegativity . For example oxygen and N2 . Some examples of polar solvents are , water , butanol , ethanol etc .
Non Polar solvents
Non Polar solvents are those solvents which has bonds in between similar electromagnetivity like hydrogen and carbon. Some examples of non Polar solvents are , methane , Ethan etc.
Classification of solvent based on carbon content
Solvent can be classified as
- Organic solvent
- Inorganic Solvents
Organic solvent
Organic solvent are nothing but those solvent who contains carbon atoms in there molecules. Like ethanol , methanol , butanol , propanol , DMF etc .in General all the petrochemical compounds are organic solvents. This types of solvent are quite hazardous for process because of its nature to catch the fire .what is solute and solvent ? .
Inorganic Solvents
This types of solvent are those solvent who did not contain carbon in the molecule of that solvent . For examples water , NaoH solution etc. Water is universal solvent which is largely used in chemical industry.
Factors for selection of solvent
In chemical, pharmaceutical, dyne and paint industry we need to choose a suitable solvent as per our process requirement. To choose the solvent we need to thinks on some factors which are necessary to select the suitable solvent which is has good recovery , cheapest in price , easy to handle , low risky , can get easily approval from government. Following are some factors which are necessary for Solvent selection.
- Boiling point – low boiler can easily recover at cheapest price
- Price of solvent
- Availability of solvent
- Solubility of solute in that particular solvent
- HAZARDUS level
- what is solute and solvent
Why water is largely used in chemical industry as a solvent.
As we know that in chemical industry as well pharmaceutical , paint and paper industries water is largely used as solvent . The main two reasons behind the use of water as solvent are it’s availability (what is solute and solvent) , it’s price and it’s risk level while handling. As we study early ,water is a polar solvent so in is not on hazardous material (what is solute and solvent). We can get water easily everywhere so it can be available easily. Also price of water is very low as compared to other solvents.
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