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What is HAZOP study
What is HAZOP study
What is Hazard and Operability Study ? HAZOP is very important as safety point of view. In this article we will try to cover some basic information like , What is HAZOP study ? What are the advantages of HAZOP ? How to do the HAZOP ? What are the documents necessary to do HAZOP study ? HAZOP is just a study which necessary to identify mistake of design .

What is HAZOP Study
What is definition of HAZOP ?
HAZOP is a study, which can be done with help of Process and instrumentation diagram , process flow diagram , material balance and SOP to identify the mistakes which are done in process designing.#HAZOP
HAZ- Hazardous
O- Operability
S – Study
Documents required for HAZOP study
As we know HAZOP is necessary to do know what are the mistakes you have done in your process design, so we need the documents like basic and brief description of process , material balance , energy balance and much more. followings are Some important documents which are necessary to conduct the HAZOP study,
- Process description
- Process and Instrumentation diagram
- Process flow diagram with material balance
- Material safety data sheet ( MSDS)
- Control philosophy
- Energy Balance
- Standard operating procedure (SOP)
A) Process description
Process description is necessary required to understand the process . If we don’t know about process then we can’t do the HAZOP . So first thing required to conduct the this study is process description. In process description it is necessary to have flow , sequence , reaction , operation details to understand the process. Process description should contain what is philosophy behind the design , what is your target of production , what is main hazardous material process and what is critical in process.
B) Process and Instrumentation diagram (21 What is fractional distillation ?)
Process and Instrumentation diagram ( P& ID ) gives us information about instruments which are used in process designing , line sizing used in process designing , equipment’s used in process designing , also it give information about what is material of construction of equipment and piping too. We can get 70 to 80% of data from process and Instrumentation diagram. Suppose we use MOC of a pipe a pipe which transfer the 40% sulphuric acid is SS-304 , then from process and Instrumentation diagram , we will easily identify the this mistake . As we know that if sulphuric acid strength is below 95 % then we can not use SS or MS line , if strength is above 95% then SS moc is compatible for sulphuric acid transfer.
C) Process flow diagram with material balance
Process flow diagram with material is very important to understand what is process flow and what is material balance in each stage. To understand what is wrong in process design it is necessary to know what is mass balance .
D) Control philosophy
Another most important supporting document required for HAZOP study is , control philosophy . Auditor need to know about which control philosophy is used by process designer to operate the process smoothly .
E) Energy Balance
Energy balance is also most important to avoid any type of incident during process . Energy balance gives us information ,whether give line size is sufficient or not as per energy balance . if we are handling a exothermic reaction , so based on material balance and physical properties of chemical we can calculate the the energy required to handle that reaction exotherm . So if we give a proper energy balance to HAZOP auditor , so he can examine whether given line size of Cooling/Chilling is sufficient or not ?
F) Material safety data sheet ( MSDS)
Material safety data sheet ( MSDS) will give information about physical and chemical properties of chemicals which are used or get produced in process . Material safety data sheet is also necessary to calculate the energy balance of process .
G) Standard operating procedure (SOP)
HAZOP guide words is not given in this article , in up next article we will come with hazop guide words . This article is only to give information about what is HAZOP study ? . so In this article you will clarity of question what is HAZOP study . To do hazop study we must have documents line P & ID , SOP, Process flow diagram , material balance etc.
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