2.1 Filtration equipment used in chemical industry | basket centrifuge

Filtration equipment used in chemical industry

Filtration equipment used in chemical industry are basket centrifuge , bowl type centrifuge , Nutche filter , vacuum filtration , pressure filtration, sparkler filter , filter press , Reverse osmosis , ultra filtration , nano filtration , micro filtration .

Filtration is very common in chemical industry. For separation of solid liquid we need do filtration.

Filtration method is use for following ,

  • Liquid liquid separation
  • Solid liquid separation
  • Thicker the liquid
  • Clarify the liquid

In industry there are lot of types of filtration methods available also lot of Filtration equipment available to do filtration.

Salection of filtration method

There are some criteria for selection of filtration method. As we know that there are lot of types of filtration method available.

Before to select filtration method you have to consider following points.

  • Particle size
  • Viscosity
  • Vacuum / pressure requirements
  • Density difference

Diffenr types of filtration equipment used in chemical industry

There are lot of types of filtration systems are available in the market to do filtration. Some most commonly used filtration methods are as follows.

  1. Sparkler filter
  2. Nutche filter
  3. Basket centrifuge
  4. Bowl type centrifuge
  5. Filter press
  6. micro filtration
  7. Nano filtration
  8. Ultra filtration
  9. Reverse osmosis
  10. Clara
  11. Sand filtration
  12. Carbon filtration
  13. Decanter
  14. Candle filtration

Basket centrifuge

Basket centrifuge is widely used in chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry.In basket centrifuge we feed the material in to the centrifuge from top nozzle. Centrifuge contain a rotating basket in it with a media filter of certain microns. After feeding the material in to the centrifuge from top , material will enter in to basket and get rotate with basket . In this way centrifugal force get generated this force push the particle with less microns than microns of centrifuge bag . In this why we will collect the mother liquor and solid will remain in centrifuge.

Basket centrifuge work on centrifugal force principle. This type of filtration separate the solid liquid based on there particles size. Based on particle size we need select the microns of centrifuge bag.

Basket centrifuge use for solid liquid separation | filtration method
Basket centrifuge

Example :- If we have solution of A+ B in water . B particle size is 12 microns then we can use a 10 microns bag in Centrifuge to get separation of A & B . In this way A will get in mother liquor and B will retain as solid cake inside the centrifuge.

Lug type basket centrifuge with bag lifter, Filtration equipment used in chemical industry| 1 minute read
26 inch basket centrifuge with bag lifter

Depending upon your material compatibility you can choose the MOC of centrifuge. If material highly acidic you can choose Monal as centrifuge MOC.

Bowl type centrifuge

Bowl type centrifuge do the separation on the basis of density difference using centrifugal force. This type filtration is use to do the filtration of liquid liquid solution.

In bowl type centrifuge we feed the material continues and we will get the separated liquid from top of the bowl . From top of bowl we will get low density liquid as well high density liquid separately.

Sparkler filtration

Sparkler filtration mostly used in inorganic industry for separation of inorganic impurity from product. Carbon is ude to remove inorganic impurity from product. We can use resin treatment also to remove inorganic impurity from product.

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Some time hyflow also use in sparkler filtration to remove inorganic impurity. In sparkler filtration we prepare the feed by mixed carbon in to feed. This mixed feed then we pass to sparkler filter.Centrifugal pump use in sparkler filter to recirculate the feed. If you don’t know the different types of pump used in chemical industry, types of agitation then you can read our article on it.

Sparkler filtration method also useful in color improvement of our product.

Filtration in sparkler filter | carbon filtration in sparkler filter
filtration in sparkler filter

Candle filtration

Candle filtration is widely used in hydrogenation process where catalyst can filter by candle filtration method.

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There are number of filtration equipment available to do filtration as per our requirement. Some filtration equipment use centrifugal force to remove the impurity or some equipment worked based on particle size. Hope from above article you get some idea about filtration methods. Filtration equipment used in chemical industry.

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