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Reverse osmosis membrane filtration
Reverse osmosis membrane filtration (RO)-
In this article u would like to discuss the what is reverse osmosis process and what is revers
osmosis process .how it work what is the working principle and how it is important .what is
the advantage and disadvantage of reverse osmosis process and how it is play important role
in our daily life .after to read this article hope no dought come in our mind forever. I will try my
with my best knowledge to explain the chapters.

What is the osmosis process ?
Before proceeding in reverse osmosis I would like to explain
osmosis if we talk about osmotic take a simple example lf suppose we have
two vertical cylinder who is cinnet two each other with help horizontal cylindrical and inside
the horizontal cylinder in middle point I have a semipermeable membrane who serrate pure
water and waste water .in right side I have put waste water and left side I consider pure
water but the property of semipermeable membrane is that it do not allow to pass salt
contaminate .so the pure pure water who have low salt .pure water pass through
semipermeable membrane low concentrations level to high concentration level. This process
is called osmosis process .in this process no requirement extra pressure it happens
naturally.and the rivers of osmosis process is called rivers osmosis.
What is reverse osmosis process ?
It is just opposite of osmosis process here waste water pass through semipermeable
membrane by the applying extra pressure force which known as hydro-static pressure .
Waste water move from higher concentrations level to lower concentrations level by applying
hydro-static pressure.and the impurities remain in the membrane the do not pass
membrane.what type of impunity collect in the membrane so answer is that salt contaminate
or salt ion bacteria mineral and dust particle, small slurry the reverse osmosis
process hydro-static static pressure shoud we greater than osmotic pressure.the pressure we
can provide by applying pump which have high revolution per the Rivers osmosis
gas can no be separate.
This is used for water treatment as well as effluent treatment . RO is compulsory for Zero Discharge Plant.
What is important of RO IN PLANT ?
basically it is most important unit operation who used in many chemical by using river osmosis process de-minralised water who used in chemical reaction.inside the reactor we used di-mineralised water .in the mineral water turbidity is low .so by using reverse osmosis many part or life expectancy of our chemical plant we can increase.
Advantages of reverse osmosis plant-
- It is filtered the water who is less corrosive.
- RO provide the pure water basically it remove salt contaminate bacteria viruses and mineral
- who have .
- Many time it increase the efficiency of the plant and also affordable cost .in the minimum cost
- we can increase life expectancy of our reactor pipe and extra need to
- filtration of water .it give the pure water who is also used in drinking water.
Disadvantage of reverse osmosis plant
It is not allow to filter gas particles specially Carbon die oxide and it converts carbon die
oxide into carbolic acid so due to carbolic acid it increase acidity of water and decrease pH value .and efficiency of RO plant is 90-95 maximum. Mineral who have important of growth our
body or important of our health the membrane separate it.Apart from this cost of RO membrane is very high. When we want to replace RO membrane it’s cost is too high.
Applications of reverse osmosis plant
- It used in pharmaceutical industries.
- It used in effluent treatment.
- It is also used in chloro alkali industries.
- It also used in many mechanical industries.
- It is used in hostility
- It is used in food processing industries.
- It is also used in the home as a drinking purpose.
- The are also used in textile chemical industries.
- Used in mine and coal industries.
- It is use testing for pump or machinery.
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